How to travel from Amsterdam to Brussels

There are various ways to travel from Amsterdam to Brussels by air, by train, by coach or by driving. Train and coach are low cost ways to travel from one city to the other. There are no border controls because both are part of the Schengen Visa agreement which allows access of nationals between countries. Amsterdam to Brussels is about 210 kilometres via the highways (2 hours). The most direct route takes you through major highways A2 and A1 which is a straight drive southward. In Europe, cars run on the right-hand side of the road.
Train Amsterdam to Brussels (Moderate Price (Travel Time – 2 hours to 3 hours depends on the train types))
Trains run daily from Amsterdam to Brussels and only take about 3 hours. There are hourly trains operated by intercity train companies and reserved trains operated by Thalys. The high speed Thalys service which runs from Amsterdam Central station to Paris Gare du Nord via Brussels Zuid/Midi station. The Thalys also stops at Amsterdam Schiphol airport, Rotterdam Central and Antwerp. Amsterdam-Brussels is served 12x daily and the journey takes just 1 hour 50 minutes.
Taking the Intercity Brussels which runs hourly (16x daily) between Amsterdam Central and Brussels Zuid/Midi. The train makes stops at Schiphol, Den Haag HS, Rotterdam, Dordrecht, Roosendaal, Antwerp Central, Antwerp Berchem, Mechelen, Brussels Airport, Brussels North and Brussels Central. The Amsterdam-Brussels journey takes just over 3 hours 20 minutes.
Flights Amsterdam to Brussels
The only flights arrive daily into Brussels Airport and are operated by KLM with codeshare flights with Continental Airlines and Northwest Airlines.
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By Bus (coach) or Driving (Cheapest) (Travel time – 2.5 hours to 4 hours)
To travel by coach from Amsterdam to Brussels you need to make a reservation from Eurolines. There are up to a dozen buses that leave from Amsterdam Amstel busstation naast / next to Amstel treinstation (Amstel bus station / next to Amstel trainstation) and arrive at Brussels-Nord 7 days a week. Journeys take about 4 hours and cost as low as €8.
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